Thursday, September 3, 2009

New Turnings from Brindabella Miniatures

It's been a long time since I added anything to this blog - here are some of Robert's new vases, bowls, and clock cases. I will post a few more photos in a bit.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Robert manning the sales table at the 2008 Canberra (ACT Miniature Enthusiasts) Show.

Brindabella Miniatures joins the blogging world

Robert does miniature turning on the lathe. These are his latest creations. The tiered plates on the left are Mulga, a native Australian timber, and Black Ebony on the right. New projects in the planning stages are an egg cup and a wall clock.

Here is birdbath that I made and am hoping to sell in conjunction with birds by Lucy Wilson (from Adelaide,
South Australia).

I didn't have these ready for the miniature show in Canberra, but hope to have them in May at the Sydney show.